Everything’s coming up ranunculus

Ok, I know the quote is usually roses, but ranunculus are pretty great and can look like anything from roses to anemones themselves, and if there’s one thing I love, it’s a versatile flower! If you’ve clicked over and made it here from any other venue, hey! I recently had a fantastic call to parse out what’s next for Mermaid City Flowers and when I hung up (do you hang up a Zoom?), I was kind of uncertain if I had that much to say to my flower friends! But as it turns out, I really do! I want to tell you all about November 2023!

Thanks to Monique of Epiphany Eight Farms for taking this great photo of me at the Arch!

I started the month in St. Louis, MO where the temps were unseasonably warm! It was actually kind of perfect as I was there to talk to my industry association members and peers of the ASCFG about native plants for cut flower production. One of the top reasons to grow native plants for any reason is climate adaptation! And if 80 degrees in Missouri in November doesn’t scream the need for that, then I don’t know what will!

Pretend I did a better job cropping this screenshot.

I was extremely nervous about speaking at this event filled with the most knowledgeable people in floriculture and then, there’s me, hahaha. I had no idea beforehand how many people would attend my talk (250, WHAT), but felt so supported by the ASCFG including those who have mentored and advised me throughout my career. I struggle with seeing myself as an expert on anything, but the feedback post conference gave me a little boost that I hope to carry with me going forward.

Epiphany Eight Farms, Minerva’s Meadow, The OG and host, Urban Buds, Mermaid City Flowers, Cotten Picked, Farm Noir, and Henpecked Husband Farms

It was also the first time a number of members from one of the collectives I founded , Black Flower Farmers,  were able to gather in one place and meet in person. This was tremendously special to me, especially as we attempt to make the transition from an informal collective to a non-profit! You can help our efforts by making a donation here. Your donation helps me to keep the website up and running and pay associated costs with making the above transition. 

Bed cleanup at Norfolk woodshop. New soil and plants are going in soon.

MCF also gained designation in November as an Elizabeth River Project River Star Business! I’m extremely proud of this designation as I remain committed to nurturing not just beautiful flowers but an environment that all creatures can make a safe home in. A project concurrent with that designation is a new garden going in on the side of Norfolk Wood Shop (5115 Colley Avenue). Mallory reached out to me, having learned about the non-traditional manner in which the business operates from Erin (Eleanor’s Norfolk). In no time at all, she had acquired pallets from the ERP to build new beds on the side of the building where I will be cultivating native plants for all to enjoy. The grant to buy all the plants came from the ERP. Now how’s that for creative synergy? Please do come by and check out the space next spring!


The importance of fairy godmothers